Can't I be normal...?

One thing I haven't talked about, is me being sensitive.

Ever since I was made fun of since the 1st grade, and then bullied from 5th to 6th grade. I was humiliated in front of other classmates,
Made fun of by what I looked like,
How I act, and
What I like,

Even my older cousins made fun of me.
They hardly even wanted to play with me.
I would go to their house, and yea sure, we had some fun times, but most of that time, I was playing alone. I was the youngest, and I almost never got to play with them, since most of the games are for "...Older kids. and not for babies"

Aside from that...

From 7th to 8th grade, things were pretty much okay. Not much bad things happened to me that time. (Thank goodness the people who bullied me moved away)

Now, I'm in high school. And not a lot happens now either. But from time to time, my so called "Friends" would joke around with me about the things I like, and such. Yea sure it's funny, but the more jokes they made about it, the more angry I got.

Remember I said I was sensitive...?

I got real tired of hearing the same damn joke all the time. I mean, wouldn't anybody...?

But that wasn't the only reason.

Through their eyes, They were only joking.
But through mine, you know what I saw?


The exact same humiliation I felt back in elementary school.
The laughing,
The pointing,
The random people who walked by, and looked at me weird too.

My best friend wasn't there at the time it happened, because, we have different classes, I couldn't blame her for not being there for me.
I'm getting real tired of all this. I really didn't want to feel this way all the time. I didn't want to feel all that pain I felt in my past.

I just wanted to feel normal.

Is that so wrong...?
November 7th, 2013 at 07:51am