Movie Soundtracks / Can You See Me On YouTube?



Made you look! X.X Yeah sorry, I wanted to say that for no fucking reason at all. I'm a creeper like that(no, not the Minecraft kind). But anyways, I got some stuffs to say, and to put out there, and a few questions...

Okay, I love the movie MirrorMask, and it's soundtrack. It's about a girl named Helena who gets thrown into a world she created through paper, and she has to find a way out. I loved the imaginary element in this movie, and if I hazard to say, it's probably my favorite movie. Along with the Underworld series. I'm listening to the soundtrack right now, and I just adore it. The instrumentalness with a hint of chanting and low voices(not in a creepy way) make it very soft, but serious. I used to listen to this soundtrack when I read books, for atmosphere and to block out the other things that made it hard to read a book. I don't know, it just really fit. I just loved it, especially the last song. So, I'm curious, what soundtracks do you like? Would you reccomend them, and their movies counterparts? Why or why not? I would definately reccomend MirrorMask and it's soundtrack, but it's more of an imaginary world save-yourself-and-the-one-you-love kinda story. I just adored it when I watched it. It is kinda strange at first, but I thought it was amazing. I would also reccomend the Underworld series with Kate Beckinsale. I LOVED THAT FUCKING SERIES. I would reccomend the movie, but only if you like vampires(NOT THE FUCKING SPARKLY KIND), violence, and a touch of romance.The soundtracks for all of them, I'm sure, are mainly metal/hard rock, if I'm not mistaken. They various artists on the albums, and that's what I like most. I'd name a few but it's been forever since I've actually seen the entire movie collection in a row. Just curious.

ON ANOTHER NOTE, I might be starting a channel on YouTube with my friend. It's about really stupid shit, and how life as a teenage girl with weird quirks is. I think. I'm not to sure. But I've got some names settled for the group(I will HOPEFULLY edit this if things change). For me, it's Saavi Youngblood. Epic ass name, huh? Thanks :) My friend, who was recently called Blondie by me, is now Blondie Blackstar because she died her hair from blonde to black. My other friend, who wants to start the channel with me, I call her Cheesy, but I want to change it because it is kinda stupid. I'm going to make a list of epic ass names for her. I pretty much have names for all my friends. Like, Spike, Titties, Cookies, Chocolate, and few others I can't think of right now. Weird names, I know, blame me. I like nicknames. I don't know why, I just do. SO, ANYWAY, ON THE THE REAL REASON I'M WRITIN' DIS. I not only need epic ass name ideas, but also names for the channel. What can you come up with? I'm thinking of something like RandomCity, or something that at least sounds cool to a degree. Thank you if so choose to write a comment, but if not, thank you for reading anyway! :D ::arms: ::hug:

=UPDATE, 10:09 PM= Okay, so, the names for a few of my friends have been choosen. Here's the official list, WITH SIGNAGE! :D

Me: Saavi Youngblood
Hannah: Darkblade Rose
Kailey: Angel Fang
Jazmine: Blondie Blackstar
Janaya: Haven Fox

I'll update again if need be :D

2:03 AM / November 07, 2013 / Mountain Dew, MirrorMask soundtrack, candy, and gray N' blue pj's

(-Saavi Youngblood now concludes this broadcast-)
November 7th, 2013 at 08:02am