"Trigger Warning", "Don't Like, Don't Read" "# Comments or I Won't Update"

This is really going to be a ramble/rant about my thoughts of this stuff at the moment, and it might not make sense to some but it's how I feel nonetheless.

"Trigger Warning"

I think there is absolutely no reason to need to put trigger warning on anything. I write about drugs and sex and all kinds of things and I never see the point. I get it, some people might have had trouble with some of this stuff but please, if you knew me as a writer maybe you'd know how dark some of my stuff gets. Also, there aren't trigger warnings irl, you can't just expect one to pop up and you know, help you avoid that kind of thing.

I've never put a trigger warning on any of my writing and I've had no issue. Someone said a few of my stories felt too real and brought them back to a using moment in their lives and all I can say is, "glad you got that feel," because after the first few paragraphs if you don't know that you're feeling uncomfortable or something, it's not really my fault you're feeling upset.

"Don't Like, Don't Read"

Oh my God, fine, bye.
That's exactly what I think when I see this in stories. I literally backspace the hell outta there and make a mental note to avoid that author's writing. Maybe that's why I don't read on here anymore but that's the feeling I get. I cannot stand when people do things like that.
The voice in my head that I read with is extremely monotone and unless I've already established a sort of tone for the piece, reads a lot of shit sarcastically or you know and the whole don't like, don't read thing just pushes my buttons.

It sounds rude to me. It's kind of like, "You won't even like to read this if you tried" if it's something I'm not into reading about. Like, I'd rather femmeslash to slash and when author's put don't like, don't read on their slash, I am less likely to read slash again. I may love that piece, but that's a damn turn off.

"Comment! Or I Won't Update"

I've only ever seen this in blogs and I laugh. I find it so silly. You're really just hurting yourself, typing that into an author's note because I know I would make it my goal for that story to not comment. If I absolutely adored the story, I'd still hold my tongue. I know it's hard to write for yourself because sometimes it feels good to have people waiting on chapters and all that but seriously? If your story is not your baby and you're so willing to kill it if someone doesn't comment, you're not taking it seriously enough.

Granted, if you write to write and just to get things off your chest, I'm not sure it matters. I just find the holding chapters hostage really dumb. It just comes off as immature and we're all older than 12 I'd like to think, all old enough to not to take that brat mentality.

Yeah that's all for now.

- Tchao.
November 9th, 2013 at 09:56am