This is going to sound crazy

This may or may not sound completely mental. Please don't judge me if it does!!!

Basically, last night I has the weirdest dream, and it involved vampires, and I got bitten by one (I told you it was a bit weird). Anyway, the rest of the dream was me going nuts, almost drinking blood and nasty stuff like that, but when the dream vampire 'bit' me, I could feel it. I can vividly remember the feeling. It was like a needle going into my neck, it was so uncomfortable, but so real. It wasn't painful, as such, it was a jab of pain, but I could feel it inside me, it was terrifying.

I woke up, looking at my neck like a lunatic, but obviously, nothing was there. I get weird dreams all of the time where I've been shot (messed up dreams), but I've never felt anything before and this was just so strange.

I was just so aware during the dream, it got a little scary so I woke myself up. I just said to myself in the dream, I'm waking up now, this is a dream. This was the most vivid dream I've ever had, has this happened to anyone on here before?

I know that you can feel things while you dream and when I looked this up on the internet (that is how much this is bothering me) all it said was: I felt like I needed to pee in my dream and when I woke up, I needed to pee. Or, I felt my arm go numb because I had been stabbed in the dream, but I was actually just sleeping on it and it was really red.

I couldn't have stabbed myself with a needle in the neck during my sleep!!! Oh my gosh I just need a little advice Mibba, has anyone had EXTREMELY vivid dreams before???
November 9th, 2013 at 11:57pm