So tomorrow is D-Day + Stories

In other words, a pretty scary day for me. I don't know if any of you remember a blog I posted a while back when I mentioned that they thought I had a brain tumour, and then another one when they figured out that it was a different illness? Anyway, long story short my brain was swelling a lot and they told me that I might go blind unless it went down, gave me some medication and told me to come back for a check up.

My check up's tomorrow, and if the swelling hasn't gone down I'll either have to get surgery (if the damage on my eyes is still really bad) or a lumbar puncture (spinal tap... basically sticking a huge needle into your spine and withdrawing fluid). I'm hoping that it's all okay because of the medication that I've been on but I've been having black spots in my vision and my eye sight goes blurry a bit, so I'm pretty nervous about the results. Hence why I've been crap at replying to people or even writing for NaNo for the last couple of days, so I really am sorry for that!

I shouldn't be as scared as I am, but I can't help it. I have to get another MRI and they have do do all of these tests on my eyes and such, and they put these stupid dilating drops into my eyes and I look like I'm on drugs for the rest of the day. BUT YEAH. Haven't told my friends (because I'm not good at doing anything other than pretending that things are okay) but I've got a massive headache right now so I might go lay down for a bit and hope for sleep. I hope you guys are all well! Wish me luck, and I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm complaining about something petty. It's just a bit scary. I'm hoping everything's all good so I won't go blind (what would I even do without my laptop dear lord) and yeah. I hope to come back tomorrow with good news!

In the meantime, you guys should take a gander at some of these stories.
Chanson de L'Ocean is a story by aesthetical that I swore I would read (because it looks amazing) but I haven't yet in the midst of all this drama, so you guys should check it out! It's about mermaids and the summary looks great so go give it a read and gush to me about how incredible it is afterwards!

Wildflower is thewolf.'s NaNoWriMo story and honestly, it's absolutely incredible already. Erin is an amazing writer and I love every single one of her stories; they're all so flawlessly written and subtly humorous and she pulls off every unique character perfectly. She also has a superhero one out that I'm gushing over at the moment but I figured that I'd link her NaNo because it needs more love. But yeah, Wildflower is set in the country town of Wyoming and it's unique and lovely so give it a looksie if you can. Or anything of hers. You won't be disappointed!

The Payback Project is a co-write between myself and pelican park. (except she's changed her username) that will hopefully be coming out towards the end of November. We've planned the crap out of it and we're already shipping the main characters so hard so if you joined us that would be great (and we'd seem less pathetic)! It's got lots of twists and turns and isn't what you expect it to be, but underneath all of that we're hoping for a somewhat lighthearted and romantic story.

Finally, Defiance is my NaNoWriMo story, and as much as I hate whoring it out again I'd really appreciate any feedback I can get on that one. The story means so much to me but after posting the first chapter I have a feeling that people realised that it wasn't going to be what they expected, so they might have backpedaled from the story completely. That's okay -- if it's not your cup of tea that's fine, but I'd really like to know how it's going so far! I have SO much planned for that story and I'm almost at 35,000 words, so if it sparks your fancy I'd love to hear from you.

AND THAT'S ALL. I'm going to lay down now because my head it killing me and I need to relax but I'll try to come back later. Love you all.
November 12th, 2013 at 01:31pm