
So there's this girl in my life, Storm. She may look like just another girl but believe me, she's not. She is the love of my life. She is my reason for existing. I love her with every fiber of my body. She has no IDEA how much she means to me. Words can't describe my feelings for her. People out there are like " Well you're thirteen. You don't know what love is." You know what I say to them? FUCK YOU ASSHOLES. Like really though. They have no fucking right to try and tell me I'm too young to date. Have we had bad memories together? Sure. But who hasn't. I feel like this time, it's going to last. I'll do anything I can to make it last. I have loved her since I first laid eyes on her. I will always love her. Until my heart stops beating. I want her to be the girl that in thirty years when people ask who I love, I can point at her. I want her to stay mine. Now and Forever. Me and her were meant to be. My favorite memory of us is staying up until four in the morning, me playing mine craft and trying to keep her awake so I could hear her voice. I love to make her blush. For some odd reason, she doesn't think I have the nerve to do it. So I like to prove her wrong. She smiles and laughs every time. That makes her that much more beautiful. I wish she would realize how beautiful she really is. he is the most beautiful person I've ever met. She even helps me open my fruit snacks and doesn't judge me. (Out loud) Storm, I love you with all my heart. Never forget that. Ever.
November 13th, 2013 at 11:52pm