What I Hate in Stories

1. Short Chapters
I fucking can't stand stories that are 500 words or less a chapter. Especially if they're much shorter than that, like 100 words or less. So many people on this website do this as thought it's obscure and mysterious or something, but in reality, let's be honest - it's laziness. What can you really get out of a story that's that short? It used to not bother me so much when there were only a handful of stories like this, but now there's so many that it's not even funny. Honestly, I don't even think stories like this should be considered real stories. It's a joke.

2. Boring Plots/Characters
Kind of like what I said in my blog about tragedies, I feel like people go out of their way to make a story seem non-dramatic because they don't want to be seen as silly. But who wants to read about someone that's boring as fuck and never does anything? Usually in stories I read online, there's just one weird thing about a character/plot and that's what the entire story revolves around, when in reality "drama" is actually quite common and realistic. Drama doesn't equal stupid or petty. And it's not deep for your story to be bland, cold and one-dimensional.

3. One-Dimensional Characters
Speaking of one-dimensional - this is probably one of the things that I hate the most. It seems like most characters in online stories are just these one dimensional people who fit into one stereotype or another but have absolutely no quirks or any traits that make them an individual. For example, there'll be a character that's a depressed anorexic that wears dark clothes and smokes cigarettes - but that's it. Every thought that runs through their head is about starving themselves, being depressed, dark clothes, and smoking cigarettes. They do nothing but smoke cigarettes, wear dark clothes, and starve themselves. That's their entire identity. While there are depressed anorexics that wear dark clothes and smoke cigarettes, these people also have other facets to their personality. They can still laugh. They still have thoughts of other things besides starving themselves and smoking cigarettes and wearing dark clothes and being depressed. They might have a pet. They might be obsessed with a certain author. And it's not only this sort of character either, I just used that as an example. It could be any type of character. People are not one-dimensional, and if you make your characters this way, they'll be totally unrelatable and impossible to grow attached to.

That's pretty much all I can think of at the moment, but these are some things that really bother me.
November 14th, 2013 at 11:30pm