Should I submit this?

I want people's opinions on this. A part of an unamned story I guess. Please comment if I should sumbit it as a story :3


New school..
New friends..
New life..
But I wish I could-


My thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of my alarm. 7:15 am, time to get ready for school. I slowly got up from my bed and walked over to my small, white bathroom. I turned on the shower and looked in my mirror. Well, mirrors. 2 parts of the wall were made out of mirror.

I had messy hair, bags under my eyes, and smudged eyeliner from yesterday. I sighed as I walked in the shower. The water was cold, not that I cared really. I liked the cold, much better than heat. As I realized I was taking so long in the shower, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my skinny stomach and wide thighs. I walked over to my bed again to get my underwear on along with my bra. I looked all over for the black and white striped long-sleeved shirt and put it on. I got on my black uniform pants and ran for the kitchen.

"Hey mom." I greeted my mother as I walked past her to the cereal cabinet.
"Hi sweetie, how are you?" My mom answered looking all over me.
"What's with your... clothes? I thought you had uniform?"
"Dear Mother, the only uniform we are supposed to wear are black pants. We could wear whatever we want for a shirt." I said, sounding sarcastic.
"Oh. Well I have to go to a meeting for work at 3:50, and I want no one in this house except you. Got it?"
"Mom I have no friends; this is my first day." I sighed at her stupidity at not knowing anything.
"Oh.." And she walked away to make some unknown soup on the other side of the kitchen.

I'm also wondering, does this consider as spam? Wanting opinions on a story/chapter?
September 10th, 2007 at 12:43am