i steal things from kota.

Because, you know, I'm obviously above the law, right Mibbs? But no, because I'm bored (read: avoiding doing actually productive work). So... yeah. I'mma do this now instead.

Read the following questions, imagining the scenes in your mind, and write down the FIRST thing that you visualize. Do not think about the questions excessively.

1. You are walking in the woods. Who are you walking with?
My older sister.

2. You see an animal. What kind of animal is it?
A wolf! because I'm clearly obsessed with my favorite animal here... who sees a wolf in the woods?!

3. What interaction takes place between you and the animal?
I pause and all, appreciate the beauty of this majestic creature, and after it looks at me for a moment, it runs off because that's what wolves do. I don't follow it or anything; I give it its space.

4. You walk deeper into the woods. You enter a clearing and before you is your dream house. Describe its size.
Are we on a trail or something? Or did I somehow decide that I'm living in the middle of nowhere like Thoreau style? How does my car get through here? It's normal-ish sized... okay, that's a lie. It's on the larger size, because it's got four or five bedrooms, but it's not overly fancy or anything, and the rooms are somewhat small. Nice yard, though.

5. Is your dream house open, or surrounded by a fence?
Both, because the front of the house isn't fenced or anything, but the backyard is, probably so I could actually have dogs running around or something.

6. You enter the house. You walk to the dining area and see the dining room table. Describe what you see on and around the table.
There's a huge feast going on, with a bunch of different dishes some of which I totally could never prepare on my own, and it seems very Christmas-family-dinner-like. There's also a bunch of kids sitting around laughing and trying to eat all of the cookies before dinner. Is my sister supposed to still be with me? Because she totally just left me and walked over to the oldest kid, who's apparently my no longer newborn niece.

7. You exit the house through the back door. Lying in the grass is a cup. What material is the cup made of (ceramic, glass, paper, etc.)?
It's plastic, like one of the cheap things you'd buy in bulk and let the kids play with outside in the summer or something. It's light-medium purple with green drawings on it.

8. What do you do with the cup?
I pick it up and look at it, and for some reason am smiling about doing so. Guess it's coming with me. /shrug.

9. You walk to the edge of the property, where you find yourself standing at the edge of a body of water. What type of body of water is it ?
So... what happened to my fenced-in backyard? It's something between a creek and a river... I'unno. Like... shallow and ten feet wide or something?

10. How will you cross the water?
There's a tree fallen across it, so I'm taking that route.

This has been a relational psychology test. The answers given to the questions have been shown to have a relevance to values and ideals that we hold in our personal lives. The analysis follows.
(Adding in my responses to this)

1. The person who you are walking with is the most important person in your life.
Yeah, I could sort-of see that, okay. Although, to be fair, some of the other people who are probably close to or tied for most important people would sure as hell not be walking in the woods with me.

2. The size of the animal is representative of your perception of the size of your problems.
So, a wolf would be like medium-sized? Okay, I can agree with that, but I think that's pure coincidence. Wolves are my favorite animal, so...

3. The severity of the interaction you have with the animal is representative of how you deal with your problems (passive, aggressive).
Passive, then? I can usually be passive with some things that bother/worry me, so I can see that. But I don't usually stare at them and do nothing until they leave...

4. The size of your dream home is representative of the size of your ambition to resolve your problems.
Oh. I thought it was representative of how many children I apparently want to have.

5. No fence is indicative of an open personality. People are welcome at all times. The presence of a fence is more indicative of a closed personality. You'd prefer people to not drop by unannounced.
So... both? That's actually totally me; I'm very open about a lot of things but also somewhat closed about more personal things.

6. If your answer did not include food, people, or flowers then you are generally unhappy.

7. The durability of the material with which the cup is made is representative of the perceived durability of your relationship with the person from number 1. For example, Styrofoam, plastic, and paper are disposable; Styrofoam, paper, and glass (ceramics) are not durable; and metal and plastic are durable.
Haahahaha, NO. Wrong, one hundred percent. I totally don't view my relationship with my sister as disposable, but I definitely do view her as family and as a mother now, which totally does tie in to the plastic kids cup thing. Holy shit all of my answers are about kids right now.

8. Your disposition of the cup is representative of your attitude toward the person in number 1.
So, how does this not completely conflict with the last point? I'm assuming this means I like my sister and think she's a shortie so I can totally pick her up and carry her with me.

9. The size of the body of water is representative of the size of your sexual desire.
Well, like, on what scale? Are we talking puddle to ocean here? Is depth a factor? I mean, I assumed it'd be a creek of some kind, because we're in the woods. Who's backyard in the middle of the woods is a goddamn ocean?

10. How wet you get in crossing the water is indicative of the relative importance of your sex life.
Assuming I have balance, I wouldn't get wet at all. So... I think my sex life is nonexistent? Fair play.

...So, what I learned from this is that I apparently want to have multiple children sometime soon (because that niece of mine wasn't that much older than the other kids). Yeah, that's oddly right. I'm getting creepily domestic and starting to feel those maternal longings, guys. This is probably not good.
November 20th, 2013 at 05:40pm