My New Writing Themed Tattoo!

As a birthday present, my brother decided to give me a tattoo! I've have 3 ideas for awhile but couldn't decide which to get first (considering size, detail, preference, etc). After a couple weeks of consideration, I decided to get a quill pen because I plan to write for the rest of my life and I wouldn't be where I am without it. I'm on the brink of going to a university, have four acceptance letters (that's all the schools I applied to), all honors classes, and a I'm proud of who I am and my writing talent.

So yesterday, my mom and I went down to the shop where my brother works after school and he was sitting at his desk/station/area working on my design. He was drawing up a version of it so that it wouldn't look like something off Google.


That was the stencil he put on me! When we got to that point, I was beyond nervous. I have a music note on each wrist, so I've done this before but they're small and they didn't take very long. So, seeing all the detail and knowing that it would take around two hours, I was really nervous!

So we got started.


The outlining hurt incredibly bad in a couple spots. There was one moment that when my brother put the gun to my arm, my eyes started tearing up and I began furiously blinking away tears so that no one would see. I was very grateful when he finished with the outline, which took an entire hour. The whole time, I had my iPod blasting BMTH's Sempiternal so that I could force myself to sing/mouth the lyrics and follow along to keep my mind of the tattoo.

We took a ten minute break and then Jorden said we should start on the shading.

I was expecting it to hurt way more than the outline, so I'd become nervous all over again and was trying to brace myself, but I was pleasantly surprised. Compared to the outlining, I could hardly feel it at all. So after ten minutes, I realized I could relax and I began chatting with my brother and my mom came over to sit by me. She'd (barely) burned her face with a pan at work, so she was trying to keep the dark spot out of the photo below.


The shading took two hours, which was more than I was expecting! So all together I spent three hours with my arm in the same position. :P When Jorden was done, it looked amazing and I love it. I plan to go back and have a quote put on with it, but this took a really long time so I'm going to wait awhile to get that on. I hadn't planned to have both parts done at the same time anyways!


So now I have a tattoo that represents my writing. Honestly, I wouldn't be the same person without it. I've put everything I have into these stories here on Mibba, the essays I write for school, the college essay questions, and even the stuff that never sees the light of day. Writing is apart of who I am. I've been writing and rewriting stories since I was four or five years old. It found me and has always been what I do when I don't know what else to do.

Now, when I'm struggling to find motivation and wondering if I really have the talent to make something of myself as a writer, I'll see my tattoo on my arm and be reminded that I love it more than anything and of how far I've come since I started. :) <3
November 21st, 2013 at 01:10am