Naming Your Villains (or any character really...)


You know those moments, when everything is fine, and completely perfect and you're planning along when suddenly - BAM! - you realise you are missing one important/vital detail. Your character's name.
Sure thing you can put a name in for the time being till you find a name you like for them, but what if you need the name now, and you've visited literally every baby website and yahoo answers question there ever is - yet you still can't find a suitable name?
The name and the character need to click, amirite? c:
No name from the street will 'just do'. It needs to match the character, resemble them, fit with their traits and personality. You asked your friends but they're no good in imagination, or they just choose everything that you don't like (which helps you sort it out!).
What then? Now what?
Your character is nameless and that's a big no-no. What do you do? How do you manage?

Here's where my part comes in:
I've tried many websites, many variations, and I like something with an -ius.
Lucius, Lazius, Casius, Ignatius, and then the occasional Spencer.
Who am I naming? My villain. He's sly and sleek and ambitious, powerful and demanding, manipulative and sadistic. He's got red hair with a side long fringe, he's rich, and he's a warlock/mage.
I personally can't decide what I'm going to name him, even if it's two names. I would name him Ignatius, but the 'g' stammers and stops the flow, unlike 'Lucius' or 'Casius'
Does anyone have any suggestions? Or what I might/could do?
That would be highly appreciated, thank you in advance! :)

(note: Casius as in pronounced 'ca-see-us' not 'ca-sh-us'.)
November 21st, 2013 at 07:25am