So this is my stupid life.

Firstly, I would like to say that I am extremely fucking sorry to everyone who has been looking forward to any updates. You've obviously been disappointed in me, as I am in myself. It all started when I began to like this certain brown-eyed, dark haired boy that I've known since I was fourteen (I'm turning Eighteen in Feb).

So this kid and I had dated before, but we stayed friends. Have you ever heard the turn, you can't stop loving someone? Well it's fucking true.

His name was Timothy Davist Childers Jr.

He was fantastic, loveable, funny, crazy, and beautiful. All in his own way. He was my soulmate. My perfect one.

June 30th, 2013, he died in a truck wreck.

I know that losing a boyfriend is devastating. But not only had I been living with him (Sharing his bed, the shower, his FAMILY) for almost four months, I also had to see his lifeless body in the truck with a tree in between him and the passenger seat.

Turns out, he wrecked just about five minutes away from his house. We got a call for, no not the police, but the people who were following him. His mother, father, and I raced in the car to go make sure he was okay.

We got there three or four minutes after he died..

I saw the man who meant everything to me, dead in a truck. He was only eighteen years old. He never even got to live his life.

I understand If you don't believe me. But look it up.

Timothy Davist Childers Jr.

So that, my faithful readers, is why I haven't written.. I met my soulmate, and then he died.

Worst part, he doesn't even have a tombstone.

Yeah, so my first funeral is my boyfriend's.... My life is fucking awesome.

(I'm Jessica Parrick)
November 22nd, 2013 at 04:48am