I Just Want To Cry (and am need of someone to lend a girl a hand)

I was seriously doing so well. I had established that this guy and I were friends, just friends. He's in Maine, I'm in Wisconsin, it was perfect. Then this week happened. For the past month, we've been
Skyping regularly and he's called me on the phone and we talk as he drives home from work, but I just remind myself that we're just friends. This week, though, he started call me "hun" and "dear" and just being endearing and sweet. The feelings I still had for him started catching up, but things were still going so well. He told me he missed me and that he wished I was here and so many other adorable things.

Then tonight, after telling me he wishes I were there and that he's excited to see me, he tells me that he still hooked on his fucking ex. This is the ex who doesn't want anything to do with him. With whom things crashed and burned when he went back to Maine and she to Minnesota and he told her that he didn't want anything to distract him from his Masters program. She went batshit crazy and said that he was stupid and to never talk to her ever again. And he's still hooked on her.

I don't know what to do. I just want to cry. He said he doesn't have a game plan. I just told him I didn't want to get hurt, and he said that it was unrealistic since he was in Maine. WHAT is unrealistic, please inform me. The last text of the night was from me, telling him to just be blunt with me and tell me what he wants because I'm not along for the ride.

I'm so done with being hurt. With being led on. With catching feelings for a guy who doesn't have them for me or who doesn't know what to do. I just don't know what to do anymore.
November 22nd, 2013 at 06:33am