where do you guys even get the confidence | ama's

... to show your friends your stories? I mean... maybe I just don't surround myself by people who make me comfortable enough or something but I couldn't fathom showing them even one of my PG original stories -- much less show them my fan fiction or, dear god, your smut. All I can picture is all the judgment and discomfort.

LIKE HOLY SHIT MY FRIENDS OR EVEN MY FAMILY WOULD BE LIKE "WOW WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU EVEN DOING KAYLA" and then they'd probably take laptop and phone and any other source of internet tbh.

So I mean what makes you guys feel comfortable enough to show them your work? I have no problem showing all of you because we're all writers/readers here and for the most part don't judge. I can't even let most of my family or any of my friends even know I write. So do you guys just know you're rad or you just don't care what they think or what? pls give me your expertise magic.

Since this isn't enough words yet, let's talk about the AMA's. I was actually impressed by Miley's performance and I am the anti-Miley fan for the most part sorrynotsorry. One Direction's performance was ace, which is weird because normally their "big" performances on tv shows or award shows aren't as good as they are live. Like idk if they're nervous or more comfortable around just fans but idk. Justin Timberlake was beautiful, as always.

Oh, and my brother and grandma both said that Louis was the most attractive. I'm also down to talk about how fucking perfect Louis' hair has been looking lately oh my god.

That is all.
November 25th, 2013 at 05:46am