I’ve Been Published

Hey guys!! I just have to let my fellow Mibbians know one thing. I have been published in Cross Timbers Magazine!! That’s not the end of it though. Not one, but two stories of mine have been published! In one word I am psyched. I never and I mean never thought my stories I wrote in my Feature Writing class would be published.

My first story is about the anime convention, TexanCon, at my college, Tarleton State University. It basically gives some background on anime and then jumps into an interview with the director of the anime convention. My second story is about the renowned author, John Graves. I interviewed my father, who was a good friend of his and the story just happened to be published. I wrote both stories with all my heart, not knowing for even one second, if they would be published or not. On top of it all, my stories are on the first content page. That is really exciting!!

As many of you know, I want to be a journalist when I grow up. Not just any journalist though, a magazine journalist. To say I’m excited is an understatement. I am thrilled, completely dumbfounded and exhilarated. I can’t believe I got two of my stories published! It’s too good to be true!

It seems as if my dreams are becoming a reality and I won’t stop shooting for the moon, because who knows, I might just land among the stars.

To everyone who reads this, I have some words for you. Don’t ever give up on your dreams. Aim high and keep going. I am just a regular person and yet I achieved something I never thought I would have accomplished for a long time. Always keep going forward and never sell yourself short. Everyone started from square one before they got famous. I feel one step closer to being a known journalist. I won’t quit now, no I will instead aim even higher!

Love, Halloweenlover
November 26th, 2013 at 12:03am