Hi Mibba!

Hey everyone I'm new here. I think I'll let you know about myself. I'm 20, and in college. I LOVE writing and especially poems. I have a novel in the workings and I make a new poem almost everyday. I will try and keep you posted about how it's going here in college. I know, I know, you are all begging to know what college I go to but I'm afraid that is to be kept private. But, I am still a bit confused about this website. How exactly do I post writing and get feedback? And, who gives the feedback the registered users? Also, can just anyone join? Is there a certain age limit because my sister who is 11 would really like some feedback on her writing. If anyone could let me know that would be great. Well anyway, have a great Thanksgiving everyone!

(P.S - My name is Ella Ceaser)
November 26th, 2013 at 04:17am