New Writing!

2 new poems submitted and.....*drum roll please* A NEW NOVEL IN THE WORKS! I have posted one chapter and I am working on the second. Please note the story is r rated and not for kids. This is because of the sexual romance and cursing involved. Thanks for understanding and read the first chapter! Also comment! I will not continue to make the story if no one likes it so go ahead and give me feedback! A short summary you ask? Well it's mainly about a girl who figures out she is attracted to woman. Interesting right? This wasn't really inspired by anything...just thought of it out of the top of my head. I really hope you like it! Requests???? Go ahead and comment! I love to hear you guys! Once again, thanks Mibba! I'm so glad I found this writing community! I couldn't be happier! Oh and college is going great! ------ Lots of Love, Ella Ceaser
November 27th, 2013 at 04:00am