My Interview with ''dancingskiingwriter'' and ''Kellinquinn.''

Hello everyone. ::mrgreen:

Today's first interview is with the beta reader dancingskiingwriter and she's one of the authors who will write in my group-written story Adrenaline. This girl writes all kinds of fiction and her stories deserve more readers.

One story which has caught my attention is Method to the Madness which is an original, sci-fi, co-written story. It's already complete and the sequel is already linked.
The second story that surprised me was London Leaks which is a One Direction fanfic story and all those 1D lovers should check it out. I'mnot a 1D fan but I like the story enough to recommend it to all of you.
And then there's You're My Infinity and Enchantment. Both are original fiction and I have bookmarked them cause I haven't finished reading what its posted yet but they are amazing. I can honestly tell you that.

And with that, we reached question time. ::coffee:

01. Would you tell us your full name?

Corie Nicole Both.

02. How long have you been on mibba?

I've actually been on and active for about two years now (I think)... I joined the site about three years ago on a whim, because I was looking for a new writing site but for a while it was just really overwhelming and I only observed.

03. Are you posting your writings on other writing sites?

No. I used to write on Quizilla when I was in seventh grade, but I found that it was just going downhill, so then I made the switch - and I was looking and looking until I found a place I loved - which became Mibba.

04. Since when have you been writing?

I believe I've been writing since I was eight. Nearly ten years! It seems like forever ago... But writing is my life, and I love it.

05. Could you tell us a brief summary of your stories.

Positive Reinforcement was a contest entry based on a prompt "Positive attitude begins. Our relationship ends." It focuses on a girl who has an abusive, emotionally and physically, and the boy who helps her recognize that she's better than him.

No Place For Us is another contest entry about star-crossed lovers who are werewolves from two different rival packs. It has quite a cliff-hanger, and I've been toying around with some ideas to extend it...

Snowy Gestures and Summer Love was another contest entry based on the One Direction Song: Summer Love. It deals with a girl, ordinary and unpopular, and a guy, one of the most popular guys in school who find love together in the summer and then barely look at each other in the winter - until a cute gesture of love.

Don't Let Me Stop You is a One Direction contest entry based on the quote: "If you wanna do it, just do it. You've got nothing to lose." It's a Louis Tomlinson story based on the quote. I don't want to give away too much - so check it out.
Train to My Heart is another contest entry based on the picture in the layout. It deals with a girl at college who is going home after two years avoiding home and she runs into her ex - and drama ensues.

To Infinity and BEYOND is an unfinished co-write about parallel universes. My co-writer bailed on me, so I haven't continued it, but I might be looking for a new co-writer if anyone is interested.

Clockwork is an unfinished mysterious story about a girl during an epidemic that, with the help of a "mysterious man", must go back in time and right the wrongs that led to the epidemic. I need to finish this...

Snow is a modern take on Snow White. It originated as a co-write, but my co-writer apparently bailed on me, so I may continue on my own with it.

Love Me with All of Your Soul is a The Host fan fiction. It only has one chapter, but I want to continue. It deals with the girl who is human and hides herself with golden contacts - and the boy that she falls for.

Wild Secrets Within is a co-write about a werewolf and a human who fall in love. A lot of drama unveils itself and they have to save the school from an unfolding conspiracy.

Different Directions is a One Direction group write that is just getting started. It's about a musical group Starstruck, who goes on tour with 1D and they all find out that they're a little more alike each other than they thought. It's going to be a fun, humorous story - so check it out and subscribe!

Matched is another One Direction group write. It deals with taking a test through a Precision Partner Praxis that matches each 1D member with his "perfect" girl - but maybe it's just not as perfect as they thought.

Adrenaline is a mysterious story about the man that everyone desires to be - and the girls that get a night with him. Tune in - it's going to be really good!

London Leaks is another One Direction group write. This one deals with a failing gossip magazine and the girls that they hire to try and better ratings - specifically with some 1D boys! But maybe it's not so simple!

You're My Infinity is a Pharisee (form of faerie) story about a male Pharisee and the human girl that he fell in love with and brought to be with him. It's a really cliché, romantic story - and it's lots of fun to write, so check it out!

Method to the Madness is a story about deathwitches, called Selva, and the Guardians that protect them on their missions. It focuses on a girl, 0074 and the best friend that sacrificed his life to become her Guardian and help her. But it's not so easy - what happens isn't so typical...

Escape the Madness is the sequel to Method to the Madness that is coming soon! With worsening problems in Purgatory and a threat of the madness that overtakes every Selva - how will Elias and Alyson deal with it?

06. What inspired you to write each story?

I draw a lot of inspiration from everywhere. First off, I love all of my group-writers and it's great to be able to work with them to bounce my ideas off of them. I love working with all of them. Also, I draw inspiration from prompts and everything around me. Prompts are really great to handle writer's block. Each story is inspired by things from my experiences.

07. Which characters did you like more from each story you created and why?

That's so difficult to pick! I get so attached to all of my characters - good or bad. They all write themselves so easily. Obviously, I can't pick from my group writes - because I only write one part, but I love all of the characters... There is such a diversity between them and in love to see how we can all shape them and make them interact. On the other hand, in my story Clockwork, I love the mysterious man - who will eventually be named (**hint hint for my readers!). He was fun to write because his actual personality is so hidden but he's very layered. Other than that, I love most of my couple characters. They all just seem to write for themselves and I've become attached to them.

08. Do you do research before writing?

It depends... If I know a lot about the principles of the story, or am creating my own world, I don't normally research a lot. I guess it just depends on my topics...

09. Is there an author on here whose work you like or is your inspiration?

I have a lot of writers who inspire me - a lot are my group writers. Nyx;, viralstorm, Ricky.Horror, She Said Poptarts, XXXataktoulaXXX, Anchor and Hope., hectic glow., Antidote., naruto uzumaki, EmzyStilinski,, and psychotic secrets;. I love all of these writers! Check out all of their stories - you won't be disappointed!

10. Do you like experimenting while writing? Writing about stuff you haven't experienced and genres you never thought you'd write about?

I love experimenting with different things to write about. It makes me feel life diverse in my writing abilities and I love being able to put my mind into different situations - pushing my limits and challenging myself.

11. What's the hardest story you've ever wrote?

Hmmm... That's a tough one. Probably Clockwork. It's all in the art of keeping it mysterious while trying to keep it going also. It's really the first time I've ever dealt in something with such mysterious and twists and turns, so it's kept me going back to the drawing board of brainstorming - but I can't wait to finish it and show everyone the outcome.

12. What does writing mean to you?

Writing has become my life... It's my outlet for expression and my passion. "I'm a writer." That right there is my favorite expression ever because I love being able to call myself such. It makes me feel amazing... I can't wait to keep persevering and finish a novel to get finished - because I want to be a writer for life.

13. About what was the first story you ever wrote? Could you tell us a little bit more about it?

My first story was entitled "The Dog". (Don't judge - I was an eight-year-old!) It was about a dog -obviously- and it was a stray dog who was then brought to a "pound"/spca thing and then adopted by a girl named Kelly. I remember I made quite a few sequels... The dog had puppies in them and stuff. It was fun - but quite embarrassing now. ::tehe:

14. What's the story you're most proud of?

I'm probably most proud of Method to the Madness. We've worked really hard on this story for nearly a year now - and now it's done and we're on to a sequel! It's unreal and I'm really excited to share it with all of you!

15. What is your biggest writing weakness?

Beginnings. I am absolutely TERRIBLE at starting a story. I have so much planned for a story, but the hardest part is always getting into it where I can start the story without telling too much.

16. Are you more of a writer or a reader?

It depends. Lately I've been more of reader, only because I've been unable to write. I usually do a lot of writing, but any of my serious writing (because, yes, I intend to get published someday - don't judge...and don't want my ideas taken, not that I think of this community like that) is usually offline. I like to do both reading and writing because I feel like it gives me more motivation - and I like to support other writings.

17. Do you read all kinds of fiction?

Yes. Anything with a good plot and some believable characters - I will read it all! And I'm always open for recommendations to stories. I'm always looking for some good reads!

18. Do you prefer original fiction or fan fiction?

I prefer original fiction because it's more of what I write - but that doesn't mean I'm opposed to fan fiction. I read both.

19. Do you write stories with all kinds of ratings?

Yeah, I try to have a variety of writing abilities, and I think this includes being able to write with different rating levels.

20. What's the genre you are most comfortable with?

I generally write with romance and fantasy. I've just become accustomed to them because it's what I always like to read and write.

21. Which genres and ratings do you prefer when you pick a story to read?

Ratings don't really matter to me. I will read any story, regardless of rating. Genre-wise, I prefer stories that have some sort of romance, adventure... Usually, I read a lot of fantasy stories - because isn't that the point of stories, to live out lives that are more than you can imagine? I love any story that will keep me turning pages.

22. What's the hardest character you've ever wrote?

The hardest is probably one of my favorites. The mysterious character in Clockwork. He was just a hard character to keep mysterious while also chipping away at him to try and show who he is.

23. Is there a certain place you like to be when you write? Something you have to do in order to concentreate on writing?

I can write almost anywhere - but I need to be in a place that is relatively quiet. I am a busy body, so if it isn't quiet enough, I get distracted and it becomes nearly impossible to write... Other than that, I just really let my mind go crazy and most of my characters just write themselves!

24. In which of the characters you created, do you see yourself? (If there is a character like that)

I think I can see myself in all of my characters. When I create all of my characters, they are given life in what I know mostly. There are bits and pieces of me in all of my characters - I brought them to life and they are each a part of my own fantasy part of my mind.

25. When you have writer's block, what do you do to get back to writing?

I read. Reading always inspires me because reading gets me back into remembering why I write. I write because I have so much to say, and everything I read inspires me to tell my stories. It usually works.

26. If you were a character in a novel, how do you think you would be? Is there a character of a published novel which could be you?

I have a feeling that I would be a rather humorous character. I found a vine that actually directly explains me (My life's like a romantic comedy, only there's no romance and it's just me laughing at my own jokes.) That's me - I'm like an innocent "blonde"... I'd be an interesting character.

27. Which is your favorite character from a published novel?

Katniss Everdeen... I absolutely love her (and I love Jennifer Lawrence for her too!) I think she's such a layered character of such a complex book and she's awesome! Definitely not a Mary Sue, and very inspiring. She started a rebellion for Pete's sake!

28. How often do you update?

I don't update nearly as consistently as I wish I could... It's really difficult with my course load and everything - but I am trying to fit writing time into my schedule. It's very important to me.

29. Any words for your readers?

Thanks everyone who keeps tuning in to my stories. I absolutely love all of you and thanks for supporting me in my passion!

30. Any authors you like and inspire you? (novels/graphic books)

For anyone who knows me well, I am a huge fan of The Hunger Games (::tehe:), Twilight (say what you want), and Harry Potter. Therefore, I aspire to be like Suzanne Collins, Stephenie Meyer or J.K. Rowling. I think they all rock and I hope that I can write like that someday.

Moving on to the second interview, we have Kellinquinn. This girl writes only fan fiction and her stories deserve more readers. If you are into slash, go and check them out. The stories which caught my interest are Bite Me which is complete and there's a sequel starting up as well as This Love Was Out of Control.

I did a little bit of digging and this is what I found. Take a look if you are interested? Yea. ::tehe:
Don't Be A Silent Reader
Reasons Why I Ship Fuenciado, Perrentes, Kellic, and Perrciado: ALL PICTURES
Different Ships Get More Readers (band members)

And once again, we reached questioning time. ::coffee:

01. Would you tell us your full name?

Melissa! (sorry safety reasons).

02. How long have you been on mibba?

I've been on Mibba for almost a year now.

03. Are you posting your writings on other writing sites?

Yes I am. Besides this site, I'm posting one story on

04. Since when have you been writing?

For a long time, since I was in 8th grade.

05. Could you tell us a brief summary of your stories.

Hmm, well... I'll give you a summary of two of my stories.

One of them is Daughter of Kellin Quinn. In this story, Copeland is trying to hide her identity from her new school (doesn't want others to know she's thee Copeland Quinn Bostwick) because she used to be home-schooled. She's great friends with PTV and has an emotional attachment to Tony. Danielle (Copeland) changes her name and meets a boy that she likes. Tony doesn't like it. Long story short, problems occur between her and Tony AND her and the boy she likes. Read the story! Everyone who read it flipped a shit and cried and it's amazing!

Okay, the second story is called This Love Was Out of Control. It's mainly about Jaime and Vic (Fuenciado story which still isn't finished) where Jaime tries to find Vic's soft side and get him to like him.

06. What inspired you to write each story?

I love Pierce the Veil so much and I put them in all of my stories because I always get ideas about them and how I want to do my stories. I also love Sleeping with Sirens and like using Kellin in my stories.

07. Which characters did you like more from each story you created and why?

In Daughter of Kellin Quinn, I loved Tony the most because you can really connect with him and how he feels about Copeland. Even in reality, if you love someoen so much, you just want to know how their day is going and you want to see them all the time. He checks up on her and makes sure she's okay and tickles her to death and makes her laugh. For a different story, Bite Me, (also a Fuenciado) I liked the way Jaime turned out to be. At first, he was just playing Vic and thinking that he didn't really like Vic that much because they were long time friends. But when he realizes just how close Vic was to his death, he clearly felt for him and it wasn't a joke anymore to him. He really loved him from the heart.

I can't choose a character from This Love Was Out of Control because I honestly love how they're all turning out. It's so amazing. I kind of just started I'll Teach You a Thing or Two so I can't really pick a character from that story yet. But i'm thinking down the road, I just might pick Kellin. I obviously can't say the reason or else I'll give away the story!

08. Do you do research before writing?

Actually, I don't do research before I start my writing. I do a little bit of research as i'm writing. Sometimes not at all.

09. Is there an author on here whose work you like or is your inspiration?

Wow, that's a tough one. I'd say thekellinunderthevic because her story is just...OMFG. It's called Get the Sheets Messed up. Holy Shit! READ IT! Another author would be jealousminds and I love aswesleepwewalk as well!

10. Do you like experimenting while writing? Writing about stuff you haven't experienced and genres you never thought you'd write about?

I like sticking to fan fiction because I already know how I want mt characters to be. Sometimes, i'll throw in different characters that i'll make up myself. So experimenting is okay with me.

11. What's the hardest story you've ever wrote?

The story I'm working on now! This Love Was Out of Control is pretty difficult.

12. What does writing mean to you?

Writing means a lot to me because I don't only write for myself; I write for my readers!

13. About what was the first story you ever wrote? Could you tell us a little bit more about it?

That would be Daughter of Kellin Quinn. Copeland is 18 and attached to Tony; who is 45. (I know bad combination) She figures she should keep it to herself. She's keeping a secret from her new school that she's thee Copeland Quinn; Kellin's Daughter. But when she starts to fall for someone her own age, Tony gets furious. What she doesn't know is Tony loves her just as much as she loves him. Neither know this. The boy she falls for doesn't know who she is. They break out in an argument and Tony is there to help her. Will he tell her secret to the whole school? And will Tony and Copeland confess their love for one another? Yeah, that's the first story.

14. What's the story you're most proud of?

I'm most proud of This Love Was Out of Control and how far i've come to writing it. I've had writer's block a couple times on it.

15. What is your biggest writing weakness?

Writing weakness? Another toughy. Hmm...I think my weakness when i'm writing is that I just want it to be super perfect and if there's an error, I get angry. I want to please my readers so badly and my chapters need to be long and to the point as well without missing an important detail.

16. Are you more of a writer or a reader?

I'm more of a writer.

17. Do you read all kinds of fiction?

Nah, I only like to read fanfiction.

18. Do you prefer original fiction or fan fiction?

Fanfiction all the way!

19. Do you write stories with all kinds of ratings?

Yes, I do. I like doing NC-17 the most though. Other than that, probably R.

20. What's the genre you are most comfortable with?

That has to be romance.

21. Which genres and ratings do you prefer when you pick a story to read?

I'm comfortable with fanfiction because I already have a small idea about how the characters are and the ratings would be R and NC-17.

22. What's the hardest character you've ever wrote?

Hmm, I think it would Jaime in Bite Me because I changed my mind on how I wanted him to be three times.

23. Is there a certain place you like to be when you write? Something you have to do in order to concentreate on writing?

I like writing in my room because that's where the computer is and sometimes in school if the room is quiet. In school, my desk has to be completely clearled off. At home, I must be eating a snack or drinking Coke!

24. In which of the characters you created, do you see yourself? (If there is a character like that)

I see myself (in some situations) as Copeland in Daughter of Kellin Quinn. She went through some tough times in her life.

25. When you have writer's block, what do you do to get back to writing?

I just take some days off and try to think of ideas as my day goes along. I try to dream about what I want to happen next when I can't sleep.

26. If you were a character in a novel, how do you think you would be? Is there a character of a published novel which could be you?

Wow, I'm not even sure. Can I say that? I think I would be sweet and caring. A little daring and naughty as well. A bit shy and quiet, but also a badass.

27. Which is your favorite character from a published novel?

I really adore Brittany Ellis from Perfect Chemistry!

28. How often do you update?

I don't really have an answer for that, but I update whenever I finish a chapter.

29. Any words for your readers?

Thank you for actually sticking with me and reading my stories! I love you so much and you're my inspiration to keep writing! I like writing for you guys so I can share my thoughts with you. ::smile:

30. Any authors you like and inspire you? (novels/graphic books)

An author I just absolutely LOVE is Simoni Elkeles! She wrote the Perfect Chemistry Triology. READ ALL THREE BOOKS! It's soooooo ammazing! It has sex, drugs, gangs, Mexicans, drinking, partying, drama, and more! READ IT! Oh yeah, and the brothers' last names are Fuentes! FUENTES GUYS. Not Vic and Mike Fuentes, but FUENTES IS THEIR LAST NAME IN THE BOOKS. OKAY GO READ IT!

^-^ Thank you for the interview!. ::cute: ^-^

And with that our interview come to the end. ::cute:

November 29th, 2013 at 01:54pm