You're Not Better Than Me, Thanks

I cannot say how many times I see people try to come off as these "holier than thou" figures on this site (and just about everywhere else).

They use these overly cold/indifferent phrases chock full of obnoxious, scholarly words. It's not like this doesn't make them any smarter than me. It's really annoying because I hate (as well as most people) being spoken to condescendingly and these people seem to think that everyone will respect them if they treat people like little, ignorant children.

It's like...I'm not a child, you know. In fact, I'm almost positive my writing is ten times better than yours so back off.

I know there's a lot of negativity on this site, but for me, it's been pretty cordial...other than these self-righteous punks who drive me absolutely nuts.

None of us deserve to be talked down to, you jerk.

Now don't get me wrong, I use big words, too...It's just that I don't use them to make someone feel stupid or useless. I just like to use my vocabulary for what it's worth. These fools seem to go out of their way to treat others like this and it is upsetting.

This is about no one in particular, this is just something that has been nagging at me and I just saw a friend of mine experience this and it ticked me off.

Sorry for my rant. xx poison
November 29th, 2013 at 07:59pm