I feel so lazy

Its that time of the semester where finals present themselves and I'm almost done and now I can't bring myself to care anymore. I've done the majority of my finals and one of my finals was an essay and I have already sent it in, but my teach gave us a two week extension for it and I was planning on redoing it. Actually I was just planning on revising and adding a few things, but I just don't feel like it. I'm way too lazy at the moment. But the only problem is, its due tomorrow at 6:30pm.

Tonight is my only chance to really fix it up before the due date, because tomorrow I have work at 8am and then when I'm done work at 1pm, my friend is picking me up and we're going for a sushi date. I'm so excited for sushi. Its been a week since I've had it. Which for me is a lot, lol. I am obsessed with sushi. Lovelovelovelove. Anywho, I'm enjoying myself way too much with watching my favorite youtubers at the moment. Perhaps I'll take a look at my essay after 11pm. Ugh. That sounds so bad, but I really should review it. I know that if I get a bad mark on it I'm going to feel so much regret because I had the chance to resend it, so I'm definitely going to look it over. Promise.

I'm still awaiting my overall average for one of my classes which is very important because it determines my school situation next semester. I'm less nervous, and I haven't been having as much panic attacks now, so I'm relieved about that, but I am still worrying over it. Which I think is normal, I've just calmed myself down a lot since before.

Anywho I'm going to get back to my procrastinating. Have a lovely night people,

Baci e Abbracci,
December 4th, 2013 at 04:16am