"No Slash"

Okay. As far as I know and as far as I'm concerned, slash fiction is a type of romantic prose that focuses on a romance between two characters of the same sex. So, essentially, it's just a story about gay people in love.

What annoys me beyond belief is when I go to a contest or a blog or something and someone says something like "No slash, femmeslash, m-preg, incest, etc.."

Okay. I get m-preg and incest, they make me quite uncomfortable too. But slash and femmeslash? Basically, you're saying, "Please don't give me a story that has two people of the same sex falling in love," and I find that very homophobic and offensive. You're basically saying that it's okay to give you a story with a heterosexual romance, but homosexual romance is strictly forbidden, and if you don't approve of slash fiction I will probably despise you as a person and label you as homophobic.

Let's get some things straight:

Not all slash stories have gay sex and not all slash stories focus on sexuality.

I've read some pretty good slash. I think the most intriguing component of it all is the internal struggle of someone who's having a crisis with finding their sexuality. I mean, it's just so interesting, especially when you're like me and you've been dealing with it for almost two years.

Personally, I don't even it should be called slash. I think it should just be called romance. It's all the same. If you think it should be labeled as slash, then I expect you to also think heterosexual romantic fiction to have a subgenre too.

okay that is all

bye lovelies~~

(if i've offended you, please don't comment, because i will either A) not respond or B) ask you to go away)

((also, please correct me if i've had any misconceptions about slash fiction))
December 6th, 2013 at 03:22am