Words of Wisdom from the Unwise

Today marks the beginning of my twenty sixth year of living.

I'm not sure if anyone else felt this way when they reached that number, but I felt this sudden feeling of impending doom and responsibility landing on my shoulders. Somehow the number feels more grown up, like I should have a clue about life. So, last night as I let my thoughts wonder and I started to think about what exactly have I learnt in the quarter of a century that I've lived. This year in particular has been tough. I lost a relative through suicide. Weeks later my brother tried, and thankfully failed, to do the same. My skin condition got worse to the point where my confidence was completely shattered and I didn't want to leave the house. I lost a job and had to leave another, leaving me unemployed. I had to move back home with my parents, which is a nightmare. I'm still single (two and a half years and counting). My favourite band disbanded, forcing me to start accepting that I'm no longer sixteen. With all these setbacks sometimes I think I haven't learnt a thing, but the truth is I have learnt a few things.

Life is too short. Don't spend it being angry and resentful. Grudges hurt you more than the person who caused you pain.

Live it to the full. You only have one life. Enjoy it.

People can only make you feel small and insignificant if you let them. Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. You control your emotions.

Don't let others take responsibility for your mistakes. Own up to them, accept them and try to do better next time.

You teach others how to treat you. If you let someone treat you like shit, they'll always treat you that way unless you stand up for yourself.

Never feel ashamed of who you are. You are wonderful, unique and as equal as everybody else in this world. Only you know your life story and experiences.

Don't let your friends, family or society dictate what you like and enjoy. If listening to Backstreet Boys makes you happy then don't let others stop you because they don't agree. Anybody who tries to stop you from doing what you love isn't worth your time.

You regret the things you didn't do more than anything else.

If you're unhappy, do your best to change the thing that makes you miserable. Don't ever let misery win.

It's okay to cry, and get angry. Let it out in a productive way whether through writing, music or exercise.

There isn't always an answer to everything. Not every answer is meant to be found. Sometimes you just have to accept that things are the way they are and move on.

Life is tough sometimes. How you weather through the hard times is what makes you stronger.

It's okay to be alone sometimes. In fact, learning to be happy alone will teach you how to be happy with yourself. If you can't be happy alone then nobody else can ever make you truly happy.

Love is unpredictable. It doesn't always last. So, when the going is good enjoy it. Embrace it. Try not to let it go. Don't give up too easily when hard times come-

But learn when to let it go. Not every relationship, or everybody, can be saved.

Don't settle for less than what you're worth.

Try to be the friend you'd want for yourself.

Age, race, sexuality, appearances- they don't matter. It's the person inside that counts.

Don't hold yourself up to other people's standards. Live up to your own.

Read more. It will open your mind.

Stand by your convictions. Know what you're talking about.

Don't be afraid to stand up to bullies and haters. Underneath it all, they're cowards who hate themselves more than anything else. Never let them win.

Listen to what's going on around you.

Don't be afraid to put yourself out there.

Last, but not least out of all these things I've rambled on about...

Just be yourself.
December 6th, 2013 at 07:45pm