H U G E thank you!

Hi everyone!

Yes, that means you, too! Yes you, the one reading this, right now!

Between the three active A7X fics I've been working on, I have well over 150 readers in total for all three of them. THATS AMAZING! I never once thought that I would ever reach the amount of people I've reached in this short span of time; I just want to say thank you, thank you thank you thank you times a million to each and every one of you who've read my stories.

You don't understand how amazing it feels to know that someone out there is reading what I wrote, reading the messes I put my characters into and enjoying it. I want to keep writing and writing until I can't possibly write anymore, and then re-write it all again. Writing for me is a drug, a great and safe and confident drug that helps me move on and move away from everything negative in my life... and you're all my enablers!! Muahahaha!

So, with that being said, I'm also working on putting a forth one out there. It's nothing really like the three I have going now. All I can say is ...

Zacky :3

SO AGAIN! Thank you! I don't care if you're a silent reader or a commenter, whatever you are, thank you. From the bottom of my heart. I truly mean it.

Love you! Expect some updates this weekend :3

<3 Elk
December 7th, 2013 at 04:29am