Just survived a near death experience and my typo that started a revolution.

I was just minding my own business about to pee when I was ATTACKED! I repeat ATTACKED...by either a huge cockroach or a small baby frog. Not sure which because I swear I almost blacked out.

Now I'm shaking and I can't go back to the back part of my house ever again. I lost it. And I'm about to be home alone. What if it comes after me? I'm a good person I don't deserve this. My hands literally wont stop shaking I'm so dumb but I'm a scared little baby and I STILL HAVE TO PEE!!!!

I waiting in my sister to finish her hair in the upstairs bathroom so I can pee but I'd rather risk kidney failure than face off with that beast again. Seriously lucky to be alive.

This always happens to me. I'm the one in the house the most afraid of bugs and little creatures but I am the only one who ever see them.

Also I was the one who did the Bold what applies to you first and I made a typo in my post so now all of the blogs who are doing it have the same typo ( '_'). It's the second one that says.
have many scars. I should be I have many scars

I like to over react about things but I'm so serious when I tell you I'm never using that bathroom again.

At least not for a week.
December 8th, 2013 at 01:49am