What am I doing...

Dear Mibbians,

For the past week I've been feeling rather a miss. Actually, really a miss. Is that a saying? "A miss"? Anyways, where do I begin?

I guess I'll start with the before. *cue dramatic music*

I've been in my relationship for going on 2 and a half years. My boyfriend is fantastic. He's one of the best guys I know. But as of late...the spark is missing. It's not that the honey moon is over but more that I don't exactly care if I see him or not. If I'm having a bad day and I see him I feel better, always. But things have gotten less exciting. And as for the sex, it's gotten better for the worst reason: I'm thinking about other people.

Mostly, one other person. And for the weirdest reason I've been obsessing over this guy but only as soon as he stops taking an interest. He's in one of my college classes and I made small talk with him one day because our professor was late. After I first encounter I noticed him going out of his way to say small things to me until finally he asked me for my number. I told him I had a boyfriend and now it's just awkward. He'll still say hi to me and acknowledge my presence but what a bust! I can't stop thinking about him and it's interfering with my life in the worst way.

I can't help thinking there is something wrong with me. Something completely, messed up wrong with me. I have a boyfriend who is to die for but I can't figure out how to remind myself that. When we're together it feels forced and wrong. What I guess is happening is that I'm so comfortable I'm bored. It feels like a make or break. And there is no reason to break but what is there that's left to make? I feel like I know how everyday of the rest of my life will turn out if we stay together.

I'm really appreciating the anonymity of this blog. And I'd really appreciate any thoughts or connections on this subject.


How was your day?
December 9th, 2013 at 10:06pm