Selena Gomez, mediocre German speaking skills and a question

On the way home today we were listening to the radio. (Something I rarely do - usually it's CD's or I've got my earbuds in.) Selena Gomez came on (I don't know which song) and it is absolutely riddled with autotune. Me being me, moan and put my head in my hands, thinking of her beautiful voice and how it doesn't need autotune. My sister goes off at me, thinking that I'm criticizing her, and my mum jumps in saying she's young and wants the whole package with music. She then goes on to say that she's "not criticizing her, just saying that she's dumb and stupid". (She said this earlier after my moaning of how she uses autotune - she was supposed to say that she was just young and stuff.) Just insert a few GIF's from tumblr of various people laughing here. Because that was my reaction. Hahahaha.

I was also trying to teach my sister how to speak German. I was taught German for just under two years, I'm not fluent but I know enough to get by if I was in a constant school situation and people were asking for my timetable / favourite subjects.
Anyway, as I'm teaching her the basics - what is your name? My name is... How old are you? I am ... years old, blah blah blah, I've also taught her "thank you" (It came with the how are you? question).
As she leaves the room, headed for bed, she says "darken shirt!"
... She meant to say danke schon.

Time for my question: I have a free dress day tomorrow and have no clue what to wear. Please help. It is going to be warm-ish. Just suggest things, please.
December 12th, 2013 at 11:18am