Filling out job applications is depressing me

I have sighed so many times in the past 45 minutes it's ridiculous. I don't know why filling out job applications make me so sad! It's just so tedious and everyone asks the same thing. Then there are those online applications where you have to do math problems and do I really need to know the square root of 9 multiplied by 31 divided by 5 to the 4th power to bag groceries? Just stop Harris Teeter.I need a job, and money and to get a life outside of my little hole of a room and the 4 dollar cinema down the street. This whole process is making me miserable. I can't imagine someone actually calling me back and then calling me in for an interview and judging me based on my weight or my accent or something stupid that doesn't make me unqualified to bag groceries, or lead people to their tables, or dress up like the Chick-Fil-A cow and get people to buy the salads.

My last resort will be to find some rich older woman and become her sugarbaby.
December 13th, 2013 at 03:24pm