Dream Journal 1

So I has a dream that I finally became an artist or something (I had a bunch of paint of my clothes, so I just assumed). And I was living somewhere else, but anyway I returned to my old apartment (which is my current apartment in real life) and I found that two women had moved in and they had three cats.

Apparently I hadn't been able to keep my own cat, so I had to leave her their and one of the women had adopted her but my cat still recognized me and gave me a snuggle.

It was weird.

Thankfully my dream switched to this one;

I was a boy and I was trapped in a government facility with this red headed girl, who was my friend apparently. And we were trying to find a way out, but there were traps everywhere and I kept hearing this guy ordering others to 'GET THEM!'. And so we were almost out but then we find out that we are on an island and the only way to get off of the island is to swim. And apparently in the dream I know how to swim, but the red headed girl cannot.

Thank you red headed girl. You have screwed us to hell.

Just kidding, I told her to trust me and I would help her swim, and we jumped into the water and started swimming, but then the government people started shooting at us from their helicopters. And I woke up.

And then I went back to sleep. And the dream continued. Which usually doesn't happen, but whatever. So the girl and I didn't get killed or anything, and we reached the shore of-- wait for it, waaaait for it.

Another fucking island.

And then I woke up for good.
December 14th, 2013 at 10:54pm