People need to stop using religion as a vector for hate.

Seriously, stop. People need to face the harsh reality that their religion was created by man and not everything in their religious text is true. People need to get it in their heads that religion is supposed to be a thing of love and acceptance.

I was talking to Shane - the cute boy - and here's what went down:

Me: I had to explain my need of make-up for the play to my dad.

Him: My mom didn't understand either.

Me: Pretty sure he thinks I'm gonna star in RDR.

Him: Haha, my mom already is pretty sure I'm gay so that didn't help at all.

Me: Dude, every one is pretty sure you're gay.

Him: :(

Me: It's not a bad thing.

Him: It is when you go to the most judgmental church in the history of ever.

Of course whenever the nonacceptance of sexuality becomes a topic, religion is somehow a part of the conversation. There are more than 7 churches in my town, and that's saying something because this town is only 5 miles across. Literally all of them hate gays. All of them. It's one reason why I resent the church so much.

But I'm okay when it's with me. If I'm the one sitting here dealing with the hate, I'm okay with that. But when it's this cute boy and he's all sad because he's been going to that church literally his whole life and he knows they won't accept them because he's gay, that's where my issue begins.

No. Seriously stop. Your religion should have no affiliation with hate. Under no circumstances should you quote the Bible as reasoning with your prejudice.
December 15th, 2013 at 09:43pm