new story | comment swap

So I have a new story! It's a romance which isn't something that I usually do but it will include the usual stuff I write about, drugs, sex and all that fun stuff. It's called Take A Chance. I'm really excited about it, I've already written a few chapters of it and I'm happy with it so far. I'd love it if you could take the time to rec and sub it :)


Now, on to the comment swap! So, I want to do a swap for my new story Take A Chance. You comment first. Comment below the story you want to swap with and if you would like me to comment on two of your stories then you can comment on Live as well. But if you're just giving me one story to comment on then please only comment on my new story, Take A Chance. Thank you :)


As an additional note I promise to do a Christmas giveaway sometime this week.
December 16th, 2013 at 12:37am