12 Days of Christmas || The Third & Fourth Days

On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.

First of all, I'm super sorry I forgot to my day yesterday. Second of all, I just checked my email with my college, and I made the dean's list! Yay! I really am super excited, but y'all can't see it because it's like late and I worked an eight hour shift tonight so I'm just a little beat because I'm lazy and who likes working when you're lazy?

Oh, man. I should not have eaten that bacon cheddar McChicken. I swear, it is not as glorious as my friend made it to be and now that I've eaten it, I have been feeling kind of not good. I should've listened to the warnings. I should've just gotten a cheeseburger. But, being the stubborn butt I am, I went ahead and got it anyway. I am not a bright crayon when I'm hungry.

I like pie. I'm so ready for Christmas. Who's with me?

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me: four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.

Does anyone know what a partridge is? Anybody? No? Okay.

I'm going to just loathelove typing all of the things my true love sent to me on the twelfth day of Christmas. Because, ya know, I just love getting things that I have idea what they are. "Oh, look, it's Batman. No? It's something else? Oh, okay." I mean, how crappy is that. One, it makes the person who got the whatever-it-is gift feel like he/she did a horrible job at buying your Christmas gift. Two, you let everyone in your family know how much an unsociable person you are. Three, you're left feeling like a jerk and a little thing I like to call straight up guilt. I mean, it's understandable if it's from your Grandma with her oatmeal raisin cookies because we all know by the time she finished making those cookies, some of those raisins turned out to be something at the bottom of her handbag.

That reminds me. This one time in my high school math class, we had a substitute and she was probably about 50 maybe 60. Well, she starts looking through her handbag and pulls out a jelly bean and is all "Here ya go. It's okay, it was just at the bottom of my purse." And I'm sitting there thinking, "what the hell? who keeps jelly beans at the bottom of their handbag?" and then I got to thinking that it's because she probably meant it for the person sitting behind me, so I casually look behind me and guess what? There's nobody there. So ya wanna know what I did? I threw the jelly bean in the trashcan.
December 17th, 2013 at 07:22am