Get out of my house.

My little sister has literally 9 friends over. I have actually barricaded myself in my room, because they are so obnoxious and annoying, I want to smash my head against the wall. I really don't want to leave my room, until they are gone because I just really am not in the mood to come into human contact at the moment. I probably sound so dramatic and ridiculous, but its just one of those days where I want to be left alone and my sister has to have all these damn friends here.

In about an hour or so I need to start getting ready because I need to head over to a diner with my friends, but I don't even feel like it anymore to be honest because the reservation is at 9:45pm. It was the only available time and my friends all finish work at 9, so this was all we could do.

It takes forever to actually get all my friends and I together somewhere, because we all have conflicting schedules but now its winter break and we have time off from school, so we all agreed we need to take advantage and see each other.

On another note, I've been writing up my chapters for Rise Above Your Demise. I'm so excited for this story. I already know its going to be a long one. Haha, can't wait to release more chapters. I think tomorrow I'll be able to properly release a lot of new stuff, today I was kind of weird for some reason. It literally took me the whole day just to write the first chapter, and I have a tendency of really writing too much. But I'm just having a hard time trying to organize what should go into which chapter and where to cut off.

Like I've said before, I have my chapter outlines all written down, except, once you actually start writing the chapters, there always longer than I intended. It also doesn't help that my story is in Third POV so I end up writing everyone's thoughts. Instead of just one, which I think I should start doing. You can do that right? Write in third pov but still only narrate the main character?

Who knows. I'm going to look it up later on tonight whenever I get home.

That's another thing. I don't know what time I'll be coming home. I hope its not too late. Ugh. Jesus, who am I kidding. It for sure will be at a late hour. I dread the thought knowing I'll have to pay for a taxi. We're I think four or five people who have to take it. Its probably going to cost a lot. I think. Hopefully not so much, because thats super annoying and I literally have no money. My money is all gone. And I have to pay off a damn credit card. Ugh, I should never have gotten it. I'd have so much more money otherwise. Seriously don't get a credit card, but if you really need to, get one with the lowest limit possible.

I need to pay off a credit card bill, also buy new clothes, because I have none for when I go back to school for the new semester, which I'm so excited for since I'm back in day once again. Its a miracle and for once I don't mind school. It gives me a routine to have and I feel I will be much more stable mentally, and I'll be able to get back into my eating habits.

Anyway I'm going to shut up because I should probably start getting ready and I have to pee but I don't want to leave my room. Ah, dilemma. These kids need to get the hell out of my house now.

I just realized this blog was basically me complaining and ranting. Lol sorry.

Have a lovely evening,
Baci e Abbraci,
December 19th, 2013 at 11:58pm