My battle with Rheumatoid Arthritis

I do believe I owe many of my followers an explanation for my delay in updating.
Not only that, but i also feel the urge to educate those of you whom do not know what RA is.

Let me assure you when i say, I have been in a wind storm of knowledge these past few weeks.

First off, let me introduce myself to those of you who just happened to stumble across this post.
My name is Danielle, I am 17 years old and exactly one month ago I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

For those of you too lazy to Google what RA is, don't worry I got you covered!

Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto immune disease that attacks the lining of the joints and protein in your body. It can cause permanent joint damage, disability, organ damage, weakness, constant pain and death.

Kind of a downer right?

Since I was 15 I've been in and out of hospitals from constant hip pain. It came to the point where it was so severe, nobody wanted to treat me. Not that I really blame them, nobody could find out what was wrong.

Since age 15 I've been through 5 doctors, 2 county's and 8 medical centers.

In the beginning of September this year, I lost a very close friend of mine, she was like a second mother to me.
On my way home from the funeral, someone crashed into us and we drove the truck into the front bushes of taco bell.

My doctor at the time was on maternity leave so a replacement took over my case for that month.

"Well," she started, "I know you won't like it, but i'd like to get a MRI of your back to make sure nothing else got injured from the accident. You have severe scoliosis, and the whiplash could have made things worse."

Just another test, same old, same old....
Or was it?
Not even two days after the MRI was taken we got a call from the doctor again.

"Everything seems normal considering your scoliosis," She started, "However, we did see some Arthritis in your back."


"I'd like to send you on one more blood test to rule out the worst case scenario."

At the time I never really thought anything of what she said.
Rule out what worst case scenario?
But looking back now I realize she meant RA.

My RA count was 300+
A normal RA count for my age is 14.

Getting the news broken to me finally answered the question I've been asking doctors for years.
Why do I hurt?

So yes. I have been MIA for awhile.
And no. I'm not sure if I can continuing writing.

RA can damage joints and swell up parts of your body.
The most inflammation i am suffering from is my right hand.
My writing hand...
I can't even write this short blog without it swelling back up, nor can I take notes for school without my hand becoming crippled in one position.

I refuse to make any promises to you, or to myself.
Things will get better, it just may take a little longer than anticipated.

For more info about RA or if you'd like to follow me on my journey I have a Twitter and YouTube channel both named;

Please. Educate yourself.
Buckle up, This is gonna hurt.
December 20th, 2013 at 11:11pm