Interview with Love is Dead authors!

Love is Dead

For quite some time now, I've been interested in the stories written by M. Evelyn. One of my favorites is a story that she is co-writing with Nick24 called Love is Dead. This story is absolutely captivating and suspenseful.

Love is Dead is about a girl named Crimson Parker moves from the United States to Australia with her father, step-mother, and step-brother. When walking into her bedroom, she sees a ghostly figure staring back at her. Like any normal person, Crimson screams and calls for her step-brother, Jack. Surprisingly, Jack does not see the attractive looking teenager lingering in Crimson's room. The mysterious person in her room announces that he is dead, and only Crimson can see him. His name is Beau Harris and he committed suicide about a year ago. Crimson and Beau become very close and eventually, fall in love.

Since I was interested in this story, I was interested in the authors as well. Nick24 and M. Evelyn are both fantastic authors who try to include their readers into the conversation through comments. A fellow reader of Love is Dead stated that the authors needed an interview together because of what a great team they were.

Here is my interview with M. Evelyn and Nick24:

When did you first decide to write stories?

M.Evelyn: I've always had a passion for writing short stories. I started at a very young age... probably like six or seven. I found a journal and started writing about a girl who had super powers, haha.
Nick24: When I was in 8th grade, my English teacher gave the class a project. We had to write a short story. I kind of went over board and almost wrote a novel. That's when I started realizing I wanted to write.

How long have you been on Mibba?

M. Evelyn: A long time! Probably like... a year? Maybe two.
Nick24: Shockingly, I started about six months ago. I never heard of Mibba until my advanced English teacher recommended it to me.

What gave you the idea to write Love is Dead?

M. Evelyn: I was trying to write another story, but I kept looking at what everyone else was writing. I saw that most of the stories consisted of love, sex, and drama. I wanted people to read one of my stories, so I decided to write a love story. Most girls my age like stuff like Twilight so I thought, "Hey, why not make the guy a ghost?" and Love is Dead was born.
Nick24: I didn't have anything to do with the idea. There was a co-author before me. But, M. Evelyn got sick so I filled in for her. I guess the people reading/commenting really liked me because once M. Evelyn got better, they kept asking for me to come back. So, I did :)

How often do you update Love is Dead or any other story?

M. Evelyn: It all depends. Sometimes I could update three times in one day. Other times it would be once every few days. I usually update more often when there are more comments. I makes me feel like the people reading want more, so I update as quick as I can.
Nick24: I try to update at least once a day. More comments, more updates.

Do you plan on making writing a career?

M. Evelyn: Of course, I've considered! Although, I probably make it a side-job and focus on another career. Like a doctor or something.
Nick24: I dunno, maybe. I love writing, so I plan on being an English teacher (probably). So, I might write now and then. But, it might not be a career.

What do you think is/will be the hardest part of writing Love is Dead?

M. Evelyn: Probably trying to keep the reader interested. It's always been fear of mine that I'll lose all my readers. I guess that's why I really like comments. It kinda gives me a sense that people are paying attention to my story.
Nick24: Not to give anything away... But SEX SCENES. OMG. I'm also writing Before Crimson which is about Beau's life before he died and it explains why he killed himself and all that jazz. In Before Crimson, I had to write a sex scene. I didn't know what to write! I didn't want people to be like "THAT SICK BASTARD!" you know?! But, people actually wanted MORE sex and in greater detail. I'm still afraid their [the readers] all going to think I'm some creeper. But in reality, I'm a virgin. *everyone gasps* Yeah, it's true.

Do you ever reflect yourself into the character you write about?

M. Evelyn: [Writer of Crimson's POV] Sometimes, yes. I guess Crimson is the girl that I've always wanted to be, or that any girl wants to be for that matter. She's smart, beautiful, popular...
Nick24: [Writer of Beau's POV] Yeah you could say that. I assume that my interest are like any guys interest, so I just add my interest to my character.

Any words for your readers?

M. Evelyn: You guys are awesome! Thank you so much for your support! Please keep reading, the story is about to get SOOOO tense! Also, we're kinda obsessed with comments.
Nick24: I LOVE YOU ALL. Don't give up on the story. It's about to get good. Show your love with a comment <3

Finally, how do you feel about the other co-author?

M. Evelyn: Nick is a super funny, nice guy! He adds such a great touch to the story. We're constantly messaging each other about ideas for the story, and Nick has AMAZING ideas! He adds so much detail and pizazz to the story! I love having Nick as a co-author.
Nick24: I fucking love M. Evelyn. She's cool as a cucumber. Haha. I think we make a great team. I love reading Crimson's POV and then being super excited to write Beau's POV. She's keeps my creative juices flowin'.

Thanks for reading the interview! I hope you have a better connection with the authors of Love is Dead. Feel free to leave a comment and tell me/us what you think!
December 24th, 2013 at 04:17am