Buon Natale a tutti

Its Christmas Eve and all I feel like doing is watching Prison Break and eat popcorn. I'm going to my aunt's house soon and my whole family is going to be there, and I have my family that's coming down from France and Italy and there's this one cousin that I have from France that I really don't want to see because he annoys the shit outta me and I know I'll end up ignoring him and it'll probably be really awkward. I know I'm just going to be counting down the hours, until we get to go home.

I don't know what's wrong with me, but I'm just not in a Christmas-y mood. I'm sorry. This sucks. But I just feel stressed with school, because I don't know the date to when I am supposed to make my school schedule and they said it should be enabled and shown after a few days after I received my final marks. Its been one day, so I should probably calm the hell down, because it hasn't been a few days yet. If I haven't received my date for my schedule by Thursday or Friday I know I'll lose it.

I'm a big worrier, and my anxiety is crazy and I know it'll just shoot up even worse now.

I just want to make my schedule for school and get this over with so that I can give it to my boss and get everything organized.

Also my stories will probably get released by Friday. Hopefully. The holidays have got me really busy. I'll try my best to have everything written out then. Until then, I wish everyone a merry christmas.

Take care!

Baci e Abbraci,
December 24th, 2013 at 10:09pm