So Bryan Stars Gave Me What I Wanted For Christmas

All I really wanted was a follow on Twitter right? I love Bryan. I've watched his interviews for years and I follow both of his YouTube accounts. I'm a pretty massive fan. He's made so many of my idols real people with his interviews as opposed to these deities other people put on pedestals. I'm not really into like thousands of followers on Twitter because no one knows me on there and it personally creeps me out a bit when random people follow me (not so much unsigned bands because they want shoutouts and such). But a follow from Bryan? That's like it for me. And he followed me. Holy shit. I mean he has said some of the nicest things to me and such and it just makes me happy. It's like when Shayley followed me, it's just like... Someone I look up to and admire cares. And fuck it, that's what I wanted most for Christmas anyway.
December 25th, 2013 at 12:36pm