Good News! | New Laptop

Guess what!? I just got my very own laptop! Yess

Well, hopefully I will be updating more frequently now and will get my stories back on track but other than that, nothing is really going on...

Christmas this year was so freaking hectic. I swear! It just gets worse every year!

Did you hear about the woman who beat the shit out of another woman all because they were fighting over some toy.

Yeah...if you didn't, good. I didn't even want to hear about it...

That was really about it of what I wanted to say...

OH! So I'm in journalism this year and I decided it's not what I thought it was and I hate it... Not really sure what to do about that. I mean, I could get my class schedule changed around a bit but other than that, I'm kind of stuck with it. To you, it probably doesn't sound all that hard but you don't know my family...

Anyway! Ciao!
December 25th, 2013 at 09:10pm