Hello My Name Is

Hello, My name is..... well, that doesn't even matter. I' m writing this because 1) its easier than talking and 2) i don't have to rely on anyone to truelove LISTEN to me. Nobody ever truly listens anymore... half the time they're pondering: what should i say next? did i lock my car? whats for dinner? did i do all my homework? why is she crying? oh wait shes still talking.... what am i gonna say again? Oh right...... And by that point they're cutting you off and expressing how they feel about the situation, which isn't helpful or of any use to you, plus when did you ever ask for their opinion? Then they go off ranting about some obscene thing and when you just nod your head and say yea, mhhmm, yea and then they ask you whats wrong but you just say nothing because u don't want to explain it again and its not like they'll listen anyways. Its a vigorous cycle we have fallen into. And I'm done with playing by the rules..... We only live once.... So why live by everyone else opinions..... I am staring a Rebellion right here, and right now.... I'm going against the stupid laws of society, separating out and defining out state of being, slapping another god damn label on us because were not set for their standards.... So society can go and kiss my ass, because from now on... im playing this game by my OWN rule? Now the question is... will i stand alone or stand of a crowd of many all flippin the bird to society, the only appropriate salute to a disgraceful way... So if you're reading this right now, i challenge you to defy the laws of society, and say kiss my ass.... i challenge you to break away and start a chain reaction.... its up to you to take it...
December 27th, 2013 at 01:42am