Immigrant problems here in Canada. Getting told to go back to my country. Hello this is 2013, no????????

Okay. This is going to be me venting quite a bit. Here goes.

I live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. And Quebec is a province that is very French as most people know. BUT, its still bilingual. So our two main languages are French and English. As of late, our current premier for Le Parti Quebecois, Pauline Marois is trying to change that because she wants French to be the dominating language. Which okay, I get that's your goal and all, but its not that simple.

Here in Montreal, we have 34 different ethnicities. We are a very multicultural society. We have Italians, French, Korean, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, Vietnamese, Slovenians, Russians, Romanians, the list goes on. Like I said, 34.

Anywho. I was downtown shopping today and this little shit of a girl decides to give me attitude because I said "Hello" instead of "Bonjour" ..... My mother taught me to be a classy young girl, but listen, when you're going to try to pick a fight with me, you're not going to win. So I lost it on her.

She called me a 'wop' which is really disrespectful because it means "without papers" and its just really not something you want to call an Italian, because your probably going to get your ass beat, especially where I live. She also told me to go back to my country because I'm a peasant immigrant. Lol ok. DO NOT QUESTION MY DAMN CULTURE AND WHERE I COME FROM. I don't judge other people's cultures and traditions and where they come from, so don't judge mine and don't bring it down. DO NOT. I am a very proud Italian girl. I am also proud to be Canadian. I love this country, despite all the ignorant people that I sometimes encounter.

I've noticed that there are some French people who live in Montreal who think that French has to come before English, but uhm excuse me NO THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS. I was not born in Canada. I was born in Italy. My family immigrated to Canada when I was 9 years old. I'm lucky that I knew some French prior to arriving in Montreal, but regardless, I had to continue to learn French when I settled here because I was obligated to go to bilingual school. School is hard enough. But when you have to perfect two different languages, it doesn't make it any easier.

And before anyone begins yelling at me for being racist or discriminatory. I have nothing against the French language or the people. Apart from the family I have here in Montreal, the majority of my family resides in Italy and France. Three of my Uncle's are French, my cousins are half French. So no I'm not picking on anyone's culture or whatnot. I am a very open minded person. As mentioned earlier I live in a place where literally you hear different languages on the street each day because we have so many different cultures.

Its just so upsetting to me how some French people that I have met are so unwilling to learn or speak English because they think their superior to us. And I'm not making that up. I have been told by a man that because he is Quebecois he is superior to me because I am an immigrant, not from this country. OH THAT'S A GREAT ATTITUDE TO HAVE SIR. Lol like dude are you being for cereal right now????? Je ne comprends rien, comment est ce que on à des personnes ignorant comme ça? Ça fait pas de sense.

I am so fed up.

Its like why would you not want to learn English? English is currently the dominating language. (Though I think Mandarin or Cantanese is moving on up. Not quite sure which, correct me if I'm wrong!} Most people learn to speak it for business especially and its amazing to have different languages on your resumes and cv's and all that. I think its fantastic when a person knows more than one language. Hell, I know how to speak 6!

I know I can't force someone to speak a language, but where I live it gets very serious to the point, where they want to ban the word "pasta". Pasta is an Italian word and because our current leader says its not French, she's tried to ban it, though we've protested. Like LOL for real? You want to ban the use of the word pasta? Okay, cool. Yeah. Sure. Its just a word, like come on!!!!

This can literally go on all night honestly. Its just really annoying how we're in 2013 and I'm still getting told to go back to my country half the time by close minded assholes. Its so ridiculous to me. Focus on your own damn lives, not mine. I don't need this shit. I really don't.

Je m'excuse pour les personnes qui sont Français et qui a juste lu ce texte. Je ne voulais pas affronter quelqu'un en particulier. Sorry for anyone who has read this and feels offended. That was not my intent. I'm just speaking about my experiences with certain people I've met.

Sorry about this long rant.

Buona sera a tutti,
Baci e Abbracci,
December 30th, 2013 at 02:18am