Rheumatoid Arthritis Update #2 And a MERRY NEW YEAR

**Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto immune disease that attacks the lining of the joints and protein in your body. It can cause permanent joint damage, disability, organ damage, weakness, constant pain and death.**

I guess i'll start this off with another introduction for those of you that may or may not have stumbled across my previous post;
My name is Danielle, I am 17 years old and I have "Polyarticular Idiopathic Rheumatoid Arthritis."

Try saying that 5 times fast.

Long story short, I am at the first stages of adult RA (which means i'm not growing out of it.)

2 days ago I made my 2nd visit to San Francisco at the UCSF Rheumatologist clinic where it was really just a follow up to the tests y doctor sent me to get.

22 X-rays?
3 vials of blood?
1 TB test?


The next step in my RA process is to go through all THAT LOVELY INSURANCE STUFF and HOPE/PRAY that they will approve my weekly injections.
I've been put on a medication called Enbrel. It's a weekly self inject pen that should lessen the risk of further joint damage in my body.
Hopefully (if all goes right) in a few months i'll be able to walk and write like a normal person!
No more Epson salt soaking or walking with a cane for this girl! ;)
Happy new year everyone, I hope you had a SAFE and fun one!

Here's is to a 2014 full of joy and thankfulness!
I am thankful for the air in my lungs and the life i'm getting ready to start living!
Educate yourselves and buckle up.
This is gonna hurt.
January 1st, 2014 at 08:44pm