Mibba Resolution!

Welcome to 2014, everyone!

The excitement of the New Year always brings a lot of new mindsets, resolutions, and a lot of white-out to change the date from 13 to 14. I always get excited to see what new things the year will bring about and reflect on everything that happened over the last year, which always ends up being more than I realized.

This year, along with my two real-life resolutions (floss everyday and drink more water), I decided to start a Mibba New Year Resolution for myself, which is actually pretty simple, but could end up being difficult, I think.

My big Mibba New Year Resolution is to write a new blog everyday, starting today with this blog! And since I'm typing this, it must mean I'm doing really well so far, yes?

I have no idea how I'm going to come up with 364 more things to blog about, but I'm hoping I can do it and still keep my blogs at least somewhat entertaining without going Tom Cruise crazy. (I could always resort to jumping up and down on a sofa, though. I have little to no self respect anyway.)

I'm also going to try to comment on at least three stories a day, even if it's just a little comment. I was going to make myself a word limit on the comments, but I think that could get to be too much, so I'm just going to stick with a comment of any kind.

So, here's to the New Year and making it better than the last!

What are your resolutions for the New Year?!

The first three people to comment will get a comment on one of their stories! Hey look, I just killed two birds with one stone. Or something like that. You know.

January 1, 2014
January 2nd, 2014 at 01:01am