To Rewrite or not to Rewrite, That is the Question! | Other Stories

This year I aim to become a better, and more frequent, writer. I adore writing but this past year was terrible and I hope 2014 is a good one! I don't usually make resolutions since I can never keep them, however I am determined to write more. When I first started, I updated my stories almost everyday which is probably how I ran out of my mojo. Buuuuuuut I am getting more motivated to write, just not as much as I want to be.

Which brings me onto a story I was really proud of called Touch Me 'Til I Follow in Love. It's an Original Slash fiction that started out as a side project but I got really into it. Looking back at it, there are LOADS of mistakes and things I would change, I'm just not sure if I should rewrite it or leave it as it is. Thoughts?

~*~Time for some story pimping of my own~*~

The Beautifully Tortured is a co-written AU Destiel fanfic, where Castiel is a psychotherapist and Dean is his patient.

Kansas Rhodes is a new story I'm working on about a 17 year old girl with Aspergers who goes on a road trip after her parents die. Drama and action is a go-go! please read it

You and Me is a short one-shot that sums up the emotions of being in a love triangle kind of thing. It was my way of saying F**K YOU to someone who meant a lot to me.

Happy New Year, Mibbians!
January 2nd, 2014 at 02:07am