Ashlee's First Blog Since Forever

IT’S 2014 Y’ALL.

Sorry I literally haven’t done a blog in eons, eons upon eons actually ha ha. I hope you all had a magnificent holiday season and a fantastic New Years! Did you guys get any good gifts? What was your favorite? Mine had to be two tickets to go see Imagine Dragons in February, I full on screams and ran around my house when I got them. And for New Years I ended up watching movies with the BF while my parents did tequila shots upstairs, outdone by my own parents. I'm a disgrace to teenagers everywhere. I’m so exciting I can’t even stand it.

But I digress, break is over for me on Monday and due to a conflict between my boss and one of my coworkers, I’ve been getting tons of hours. So I have no idea when I’ll get to update. But I’ve been sick since Christmas, so I might be able to convince my boss I need time off to get better or else I’m just going to get worse. Anywho, I decided that, like so many of the other awesome authors on here, I am going to have some writing resolutions.

1. I am going to finish Ares, Post Trauma, Rebound, and Manage a Trois before I update anything else (groupwrites not included) because I have the outlines for all of them already written, and I feel bad they all went on like a seven month hiatus. So if you don’t like any of those stories deal with it you’ll just have to be patient.

2. I am going to stop letting Minecraft take up my writing time. Has anyone played this game? It is more addictive than crack, I swear to god. I go down to just play “for a few minutes” and the next thing I know it’s three AM. So I’m going to try and cut back, as much as my mine in the game is calling me Wow I just read that back and I am such a nerd

3. Once I finish the four stories from number one, I will try to update regular stories as much as new stories so nothing else goes on a forever hiatus.

4. I am going to write in a couple new fan bases that interest me but for whatever reason I’ve never tried. These include Supernatural, The Hobbit (Let’s just discuss Fili for a second, shall we?) Percy Jackson, and maybe some more Original Fiction stuff.

Now that we’re done with that, I do have a few new stories coming out soon, so be on the lookout!

I’m still debating on whether to go through with it or not. And it’d require a fair bit of research, but I’d love to do a story about a girl with agoraphobia who’s neighbor (I’m thinking Zayn) eventually falls in love with. But I don’t know, what do you guys think?

Some of you know I am in a new groupwrite, a 5SOS one no less, with the lovely broken bells, Anchor and Hope, and Antidote. We’re having a lot of fun with it, and you can never get too much of sexy Australian lads, so feel free to check it out! It’s called A Different Beat

I decided after much consideration to do another Spencer Reid story. It’s called Silenced and is about a killer who is killing kids in a school for the hearing impaired. And of course Spencer has to team up with the lovely art teacher to help track them down.

But the one I’m most excited for is going to be 1D in the dark ages with princesses and chambermaids and ladies and lords and lots of love triangles and forbidden romance. And Liam will be a sexy Blacksmith, so just think about that for a moment *creepy wink*

Anywho, that’s all for now my loves! Let me know your thoughts on the possible new stories and which ones you’d like to see most! Love you all lots and lots!

January 4th, 2014 at 10:01am