What The Hell.

First off, before I plunge into my rant/complain that I know is immature (No need to tell me that), how are all of you guys on Mibba? Yeah, okay, I had to ask that, because well, I'm kind of in a bad mood.

So I'm a freshman, and today was my first full day of school. So not only was it a Monday, but it was the most grueling first day I ever had. The school has no air conditioning, and it was so humid today. Yeah, and there is no built in time to get books from the lockers, so you have to like, make time. Then sometimes you don't know where the classes are, and there are those flights of stairs, and you walk everywhere, and sometimes your lockers just freaking spazzes out on you, and oh my gosh, you get a little lost. But, the big problem?

The lack of time.

Like, we're freshman, can you give us even a little break? Oh, and I didn't even mention the homework. Yeah, first day, and they pile it on us.


But I will get used to it, I suppose. Right? But because of the lack of time after school, what with homework and my dance classes and such, I probably won't get to update my story (That's The Name of The Game, Isn't It?) as much.

*Sigh* Oh well. I just had to get this out. Sorry.
September 11th, 2007 at 04:20am