Da Future Tomorrow, Today XP

Hey guys XD

I know I only posted one chapter for the prequel story but I am trying to build up detail and a good story line for the next few chapters! I'm about halfway done with chappie two of "Chain of Events" though! Btw, I know the title isn't creative cause it mimics Chain of Memories but technically this story is a chain of events for "My Heart's a Battleground." Play on words, durr hurr hurr XD

Anyways XD I am also starting to turn "My Heart's a Battleground" into a manga and will be posted on my deviantART account. The link will be below. It'd be great if I got your guy's opinion on it -^^- There's only one page so far and I want feedback before I continue :) If there is anything you guys want me to write about, I'm free to anything XD

Eventually, don't know when I'll get to it, but eventually I'm thinking of rewriting a Sweeney Todd story I made back in high school. It's based off a weird dream I had but it was an awesome dream XD

So that's the update for right now. Comment or recommend my things, it'd be a great help. Stay awesome, guys X3

Link to the manga -> http://xxgoxaskxalicexx.deviantart.com/gallery/47500563
January 6th, 2014 at 01:41am