***s and Goals.

2:30AM - I should be sleeping but instead I'm on my belly, hidden beneath my duvet and eagerly devouring page after page of '50 Shades of Grey. I'm enthralled with Christian and his overbearing need for power, and Anastasia with her naive remarks and gullible nature. Why the fuck did I not read this sooner?

I kid you not, this was me this morning - not sleeping like I should have been, considering my alarm would go off 4 hours later. No. I was falling deeply in lust with Mr. Christian Grey and his pants that hung from his hips the way they do. I can never think of the name Christian the same way again. It's now got a stigma - a powerful, dark and alluring ring to it that makes my spine tingle.


It was during this epiphany of mine that I decided to tackle the year one month at a time, and these are my January Goals:

(1) I want to read a book every month. I really slipped on reading the last few months and I can feel my brain turning to sludge. This months books is '50 Shades of crimson as I sweat in embarrassed anticipation with each turn of the page'.

(2) I want to lose 4 pound. I've got a yearly goal, but when it comes to weight loss I think the way forward is one small goal at a time.

(3) I want to blog more. Blogging is a therapy for me. I feel relief and weightless when I blog, even if no one reads it.

(4) I want to do something nice at least once a week. I've spent the last few months avoiding social interaction other than work, and that's just not healthy. So at least once a week I want to get out - cinema, coffee, the park. I don't care once it's something other than being in home.

So there my monthly goals and I'm hoping I'll succeed in them all as their not too big or winded. I'm curled on the couch now, resisting my bed and book as it's only 5pm. I've got to do a workout (I'll probably go for a cycle) and I'm going to shower, then hit the hay and lose myself in the arms of Mr. Grey.

1. Are you reading any books at the moment? How are they making you feel?
2. Do you find you want to write each time you read a book?
3. Is there anything you want to achieve this month? Heck, even this week. NAY! Is there anything you want to achieve today?
4. What is your idea of the perfect evening in?
January 6th, 2014 at 05:57pm