I Really Can't Stand Egotistical Atheists

I'm not religious, but nothing pisses me off quite as much as one of those assholes that has to go around and call religious people idiots. It doesn't make you a magically better person because you say you rely on science more than faith. You're not suddenly so much more intelligent. And science is still evolving so we have no idea what might turn out to be true in twenty years. But to go around and act like there's no God and that's a fact is just utter ignorance because, guess what? No one really knows. No one's ever found the truth. And it's entirely possible to be an Atheist without walking around like it somehow makes you better than everyone else so just fucking stop it. Try not instantly telling everyone you have all the facts when no one does because in the grand scheme of things NO ONE REALLY KNOWS. Let people believe what they want. Seriously.
January 7th, 2014 at 03:37pm