this turned into an about me

why is there a blog function on this i dont understand. maybe i could learn how to use this site better if there wasn't a dang ad popping up in my face every single second. oh wow must contain 100 words what in the world is the point of that so you HAVE to listen to me ramble on about things you do now ant to hear? this website is hella confusing yo. crap it's still too short so anyways wanna know about me?
i'm 420% rad and hella% sad and if you talk to me about anything remotely involving any of my fandoms i will most likely not stop talking about them at all, ever. i don't think my writing is that good, at all, it sucks. but i'm desperate for acceptance so i'm posting on here to see what people think of my RTRS story which i'm actually really proud of because i've already written 8,000+ words i'm just trying to see how well the public likes it. is it still too short, you stupid ass red banner?
January 12th, 2014 at 06:25pm