Being A Nerd

“…because nerds like us are allowed to be unironically enthusiastic about stuff… Nerds are allowed to love stuff, like jump-up-and-down-in-the-chair-can’t-control-yourself love it. Hank, when people call people nerds, mostly what they’re saying is ‘you like stuff.’ Which is just not a good insult at all. Like, ‘you are too enthusiastic about the miracle of human consciousness’.”
-John Green

I saw this quote, and it got me thinking. John Green is right, and thinking about what being a nerd means to me. When I was little, I knew I wasn't like other kids. I loved to read, I loved school, I liked music that none other kids liked let alone knew them (Thanks to my sister for exposing me to Marilyn Manson at age six lol but seriously I thank her), I loved to play imaginary role playing games based off of the movies, tv shows, books, and video games, I just wasn't like the other kids. Yeah I had one or two classmates that would talk to me, then the rest would either ignore me or make fun of me. Then as I grew it just got worse. The worse it got the more I would play video game, read, watch tv shows, discover more tv shows, listen to music, discover more music, and write. Being a nerd was my escape. The comics, movies, books, tv shows, fandoms I joined, the bands, the concerts, everything I liked and loved that got me excited, was my escape. Those were the things that made me happy, that made me smile, laugh, and feel. Then I started going online and meeting and talking to other people that liked the things I liked, it made me realize I finally found my place in this world. I belonged to this earth in some way. I wasn't alone. I WASN'T ALONE! I wasn't alone and what I feel about that, I can't put into words. There aren't enough words to describe it. It was fantastic, it was beautiful, it was amazing, it was brilliant, it was wonderful, it was euphoric, it was bliss, it was happiness, it was great, it was supermegafoxxyawesome, it was important, an adventure, it was everything and more.

Being a nerd gave me a place where I belong, and where I fit in. Being a nerd gave me happiness. Being a nerd is making me more confident a little bit more every day. Being a nerd made me an invisible girl, visible. Being a nerd helped me find my voice. Being a nerd is me. I will always be a nerd, and that is something I feel very proud and happy to be.
January 14th, 2014 at 04:45am