Country Came to the City

I recently graduated and earned my Associate's degree from a teeny tiny community college in my town and now have moved on to the world of university two hours away. Major sad face! I thought I was going to love it, getting out into a bigger city, better job opportunities, most important of all better shopping opportunities, but no. I hate it here and I'm only four days into the semester.
If you've never had roommates before, it's probably not a good idea jumping into moving into an apartment with three other girls that you don't know. Random guys coming in and out all night, loud unexplainable noises, and insanely obnoxious rap music in the parking lot out side my room..and some random girl screaming "yea! yea! yea!". Apparently she is really feeling that music. I am positive I am the most antisocial roomie ever but I am too terrified to leave my room to socialize. I believe I will just continue to be locked away in my room and dream about being back home with my boyfriend, doing redneck stuff, and enjoying my small town.

January 15th, 2014 at 04:48am